Friday, August 21, 2020

Planning Ahead

 Planning Ahead

Last year, or so, I read an article about living more intentionally and somehow that really struck a cord with me. I look back on my parents and grand-parents and how life seemed to have so much more reason and value.

They lived seasonally, if you will, not just planting and harvesting but with each season there were activities whether work or leisure that seemed to focus them and ground them. The activities were planned and planned for.

Since reading that article, I have been working toward living a more intentional life and planning ahead has been key for me. I wanted to learn how to garden, so I made a plan ... 

I wanted to learn how to can and freeze food, so I made a plan ...

I wanted to learn how to make bread and cinnamon rolls, so I made a plan ...

This weekend I have planned ahead, gathered recipes and supplies, and I will be making homemade vanilla extract and sweet basil pesto.

I will be keeping some of the vanilla extract but it is my plan to give this as gifts.

And, a happy plan came about when I posted this picture of my herbs. With a family recipe I will be making pesto for my freezer. 

I LOVE it when a plan comes together.


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