Monday, September 30, 2024

My Quilting Passion

 My Quilting Passion

Red and White Quilts

Presently, in the glow of the early morning glow, my design wall is full of all things red and white, and here I sit with no direction in which to go from here.

I'm just going to leave these blocks where they and let them inspire me.

Be inspired and passionate in what your love.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Design Wall Update - Coral Limerick Quilt

 Design Wall Update

The Coral Limerick Quilt kit project.

There is a lot of cutting in this project and may be something to consider if you don't like a lot of fussy cutting and piecing.

It was a lot of fun watching the pattern emerge on my design wall.

Coral Limerick Quilt Kit
The kit was purchased from Amanda of Westwood Acres
Finished Size 66 x 86 inches
This was a fun project, lots of cutting but the pattern is written beautifully and the fabrics provided in the kit are excellent.
I may make this quilt pattern again, in a red/white version of course.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sketchbook - NeuroGraphic Art

 Sketchbook - NeuroGraphic Art

As most of you know, I have been trying for years to be consistent with creating in my sketchbook. As it turns out, once I stopped stressing over not sketching and what to sketch, I am sketching and creating more than I ever have.

I've also been reading and researching art techniques, art mediums, and art materials and supplies. It is amazing. Recently, I was reading about and watching a few YouTube videos on NeuroGraphic Art.

If you are interested in learning about neurographic art there are tons of sites and YouTube videos online. I'm not sharing any of those here with you because I went down the rabbit hole on this one from one site to the next to videos so I don't even remember all of the sites I landed on.

Below is my first attempt at NeuroGrapic Art

When I was a little girl my Grandma Dorothy worked at Carter's Ink, they made magic markers and my Grandma always had a large box of cast off markers. I used to sit in her living room floor and color art very much like this. Scribbling with a black marker and then filling in all of the little bubbles with every color of the rainbow.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

So This Is Happening

 So This Is Happening

I took Spanish as my foreign language in college. A foreign language was required. I took Spanish I and II

I learned what I needed to learn to pass the tests but not much else. I very much want to learn how to speak Spanish, so I have enrolled in a continuing education class to learn conversational Spanish. Without tests and grades hanging in the balance I am hopeful that I will enjoy learning how to speak Spanish. Yes, I am aware that it will take more than one continuing education class to learn the language but it is a start. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024



I am working on limiting the time I spend on my phone and on social media. So it pains me to admit I found this on social media.

Astoundingly a positive message.

The message ... Don't over complicate life ...

Instead of muffins, I'm baking bread.

Although I did bake the cookies. Instead of soup I am making a Shepard's Pie.
The concept is still valid ... take the time to make what you love.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Progress Report - Girl Power - English Paper Piecing

 Progress Report - Girl Power - English Paper Piecing

I've only managed to piece a couple more of the hexie flowers but progress is progress.


I'm enjoying so many things about this quilt project.
The theme ... Girl Power
The colorfulness
And, the opportunity to sit down, focus my mind, and just relax in the simple task of hand piecing.

This project is helping me to slow down enough to live in the moment.

Often a moment that I need to stop and consider my blessings.
Time to clear my mind of the stressful events of the day and/or the stressful events in our world.
A moment to catch my breath.
Needless to say, I'm not the least bit disappointed that this project will take a long time to complete. 
I'm enjoying the process very much.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Purge Continues

 The Purge Continues

I woke up in a productive mood ... I cleaned out both of my freezers, The one in the kitchen and the one in the utility room. With that done, I decided to clean out my pantry as well.

My kitchen freezer was long overdue for a purge and clean.

As it turns out ... my pantry was more in need of a purge and clean.

This huge contractor trash bag if full of expired food! 
I am embarrassed and ashamed by the amount of expired food that was in my pantry.
I'm sure that I just threw away hundreds of dollars worth of expired food.
What a waste.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Putting the Garden to Bed

 Putting the Garden to Bed

A late afternoon storm with wind knocked down the sunflowers that were still growing, so I figured it was a good time to clean up my little raised bed garden.

My sister sent me the seeds for these beautiful sunflowers.

The sunflowers did really well and the rosemary bush continues to flourish.
As much as I would like to be as good a gardener as my brother, that's just not the case. I enjoy playing in the dirt but I think I will stick to a few herbs and pretty flowers. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NO, Thank you!!

 NO, Thank you!!

My neighborhood has been targeted by every possible solicitor imaginable. I have been approached to sell me a home security system, windows, and roofing in the month of August, alone! I can't even sit on my porch without being approached by someone.

Last weekend I was sitting on my porch ... talking to my mother on the phone ... and this guy walks up to me trying to sell me a new roof. He would not take NO for an answer. He didn't care that I was on the phone, or that I was not the least bit interested in a free quote or a new roof.

I was shocked by the persistence and the absolute RUDENESS!

I ended up with an appointment for someone to come to my house the following Monday at 7:30 p.m. to give me a free quote! 

I stewed about the pushy rudeness of this person / company the rest of the weekend.

The company ... ERIE HOME

Monday morning I called, cancelled the free quote appointment, and lodged a complaint. For me that was the last straw! 

This morning I put up "NO SOLICITING" signs at both my front and back door.

It is a shame I can't even walk outside of my house without fear of being approached by someone trying to sell me something!

***Note - Erie Home (roofing) has terrible reviews.***

Monday, September 2, 2024

Gratitude and Positivity

 Gratitude and Positivity

I think it is important to train our brains to focus on gratitude and positivity first and foremost. Yet I can't seem to be the grateful and positive person that I strive to be.
That being said, I realize that I am a work in progress and progress is a very positive thing.

I recently purchased the 3 Minute Happiness Journal by Kristen Butler, in the introduction about this journal she quotes,
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's book, My Stroke of Insight.
In her book she states that the natural life cycle of an emotion is just 90 seconds. 
This means that if you don't "hook into" the emotion with your explanations, justifications, and storytelling, the physical sensation of the emotion will leave your system within 90 seconds. When an emotion lingers beyond this point, you have chosen to keep it active.

This really struck a cord with me. Life and happiness is all about the choices we ( I ) make.


I know ... such a simple and truthful statement but like most things it is the real life application of these truths and knowledge that is the tough part.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September - Beginning The BER Months

September - Beginning The BER Months

September means Fall to me. September in my mind is the month that leads into all of the Holidays I enjoy the most. Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The days are getting shorter, soon the time will change - falling back an hour. The air will be getting cooler and sweater weather begins.

I love Fall!