Monday, September 2, 2024

Gratitude and Positivity

 Gratitude and Positivity

I think it is important to train our brains to focus on gratitude and positivity first and foremost. Yet I can't seem to be the grateful and positive person that I strive to be.
That being said, I realize that I am a work in progress and progress is a very positive thing.

I recently purchased the 3 Minute Happiness Journal by Kristen Butler, in the introduction about this journal she quotes,
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's book, My Stroke of Insight.
In her book she states that the natural life cycle of an emotion is just 90 seconds. 
This means that if you don't "hook into" the emotion with your explanations, justifications, and storytelling, the physical sensation of the emotion will leave your system within 90 seconds. When an emotion lingers beyond this point, you have chosen to keep it active.

This really struck a cord with me. Life and happiness is all about the choices we ( I ) make.


I know ... such a simple and truthful statement but like most things it is the real life application of these truths and knowledge that is the tough part.

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