Friday, August 9, 2024

Family - Giles Coffey


Giles Coffey and others in our family who work with their hands with wood and metals. I dare say a very creative and talented bunch.

Contributor: Cindy W., my sister and our family historian.

Alex and Pat and Brian are pretty crafty fellows so they might be interested to know it is a talent shared by a relative, Giles Coffey.  Giles and his wife, Hannah, were Grandma Dorothy's grandparents on her mother's side.  They took Grandma Dorothy in after her dad died. 

When I was in Ohio recently, Aunt Joyce told us this table was made by Giles Coffey!   I remember it being in Grandma Dorothy's house but I had no idea it was such an heirloom. 

That's Giles and Hannah holding a grandchild and Giles is top left in the group photo below.  Enjoy!

Giles and Hannah Coffey with friends

Giles and Hannah Coffey
Hannah holding one of their grandchildren

Side table hand crafted by Giles Coffey

Table riser hand crafted by our brother, Pat.

Pat's son, Alex also works with wood. He has a YouTube channel where he makes a gorgeous coffee table for his home. He has also made decorative and useful cutting blocks. At one time he grew hops and crafted beer, as House Mountain Hops.

Cindy, our family historian's son Brian works with metals, among other things. Brian also has a YouTube channel and a website.

And, you can find his Facebook page HERE


***Note - I will try to update this post with information on both Alex and Brian's YouTube channels should you wish to visit them on that platform.***

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