Saturday, May 18, 2024

Family - Cousins



*Note - all of the Family posts are contributed by my sister, Cindy. I in no way provide the photos or comments. All of this comes from my sister. I post her Thursday Family texts here as a record of my family, for my family. Enjoy*

The cousins.  That's me (Cindy), Cheryl, Lori, Karen, Pat and Steve.  1970ish. Steve is 5 years older than me, Cheryl is 2 years older and Karen is 4 months older than me.  Then Pat and Lori and I are all 2.5 years apart. 

These were and are my favorite people.  We got together at least a couple times a year, camping out together in Grandma's living room floor on a big pallet of handmade quilts or riding bikes all around West Milton. 

We didn't do things that cost a lot of money-I guess nobody had any.   We went to the beach together a few times.  I remember jumping in the waves and playing shuffleboard.  We made homemade Halloween costumes that always included Pat being the prettiest girl you ever saw!   

I remember sitting in the floor in Steve's room and listening to Elton John's Yellow Brick Road album over and over while we stared at the album cover and tried to figure it out.  I remember playing Fish and Crazy 8 and Hate (uno before there were uno cards).  And making Jacob's ladder and other stuff with loops of string. 

When our Dad was in the hospital, we would visit for a couple weeks at a time in Ohio.  I've told Aunt Joyce I don't know how she stood it!!   

We tye dyed shirts together.  Pat went on dates with Steve. 

I loved getting hand me down clothes from these guys!   My white go-go boots and my favorite mini dresses were worn by them first. 

Today, Steve is a geologist in Idaho.  Cheryl retired from a long career in the courts in Las Vegas and now lives back in West Milton with Aunt Joyce.  Karen also returned to Ohio a few years ago after living in Denver and being the woman who secretly ran everything.  And you know about all of us. 

These are people I know I can count on and they can count on me.  Love your family, folks.  You never outgrow needing them.

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