Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Family - Daddy - Clyde Edward Gibson - The Fisherman


Daddy, Clyde Edward Gibson, the fisherman

Daddy loved to fish.  So did Grandpa Doc.  Mom would fuss, saying Daddy would sleep all day unless he was going fishing or hunting and then he'd be up at 4 am!  Even after he broke his back, he and Grandpa would go fishing-Grandpa would lift Daddy into the boat from his wheelchair.  Daddy met another paralyzed vet at the VA hospital and he had a specially rigged boat they would fish from.  Daddy wasn't much for limits -if there was something he wanted to do, he figured out a way.  I see that trait in some of you and it's wonderful!  Go for it!!!

That last picture was taken in Columbus after Daddy and Uncle Jimmy had been fishing.  He was sitting in his wheelchair. 

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